We are about empowering, uplifting, and educating our communities, through economic, communal growth. Our business thrives off of human interaction and engagement, we encourage it. Getting out there and working with your community. It can be volunteer work or to uplift another in your community, whether it is a business entity or community member. We are incorporating Positive Energy Only in our actions, through the application, as a model for others to follow. Doing good deeds from the kindness of one's heart and wanting nothing in return, making someone smile today from a greeting, passing along positive affirmations to a much-needed recipient, being philanthropic with your decisions, and decision making. Lastly, being grateful to live another day, seize that day, and work towards being better than you were yesterday. We want to move beyond communal growth and focus on global empowerment. We strive to ensure our works are infectious to others, so that our energy and vibrations may spread to all corners of the earth. This brand is much more than just another retail company. It is a way of life!